Watermelon is a juicy and refreshing fruit. It is full of nutrients that can support health and improve well-being. Thanks to its composition and low calorie content, it is a popular choice both among those who watch the figure and among people seeking a healthy lifestyle. And how sweet and delicious it is! If you are interested in what are the benefits of watermelon, read the article below.
The main useful properties of watermelon
Watermelons come in red and yellow colors. Although it is called a fruit, watermelon is actually a berry. Here are some of the health benefits highlighted by nutritionists:
- Hydration of the body. Watermelon is made up of more than 90% water, making it the perfect snack for hot summer days. It helps quench thirst, maintains the body’s water balance and prevents dehydration.
- Cardiovascular support. Watermelon is rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps lower bad cholesterol and protect the cardiovascular system. In addition, the potassium contained in watermelon helps normalize blood pressure.
- Kidney stimulation. Diuretic properties of watermelon help to cleanse the kidneys from toxins and prevent the formation of stones. Its consumption helps to eliminate excess fluid and reduce edema.
- Low calorie and help in weight loss. Watermelon is a low-calorie product (only about 30 calories per 100 grams), but thanks to its high content of water and natural sugars, it quickly creates a feeling of satiety, which makes it a great choice for those who are watching the figure.
- Immune-boosting. Watermelon contains vitamin C, which plays a key role in strengthening the immune system. This vitamin helps the body fight infections and promotes quick healing of wounds.
- Maintaining healthy skin and eyes. Vitamins A and C in watermelon are good for skin health, helping to moisturize and regenerate the skin. Vitamin A also supports visual acuity and reduces the risk of age-related eye diseases. Help fight inflammation. Watermelon contains antioxidants such as lycopene and beta-carotene, which reduce inflammation in the body and protect cells from damage.
Who should be careful
Despite its many health benefits, eating watermelon should be limited for people with diabetes due to its sugar content. You should also avoid eating watermelon in excessive amounts to avoid excessive diuretic effects. If you ignore these tips, you can harm yourself.
How to choose the right watermelon
To get the most out of watermelon, it is important to choose a ripe fruit. Pay attention to the yellow spot on the rind — it should be a saturated shade, which indicates maturity. The tail of the watermelon should be dry. When tapping the sound should be deaf. But too muffled a sound indicates emptiness, so the watermelon may be over-ripe.
Benefits and important facts about watermelon:
- Ancient Fruit. Watermelon is one of the oldest cultivated fruits. It began to be cultivated about 5,000 years ago in Africa, especially in the area of modern-day Sudan.
- Culinary mystery. Although watermelon is more commonly thought of as a fruit, botanically it is a berry.
- Record Breakers. The heaviest watermelon weighed 159 kg. This record was recorded in the United States in 2013.
- Water content. Watermelon is 92% water, so it is not only refreshing, but also helps to quench thirst.
- Symbol of China. In China, watermelon is considered a symbol of happiness and abundance. It is often served on holidays, especially on New Year’s Eve.
- Not only red. In addition to the classic red, watermelon flesh can be yellow, orange, and even white. These varieties are known for their unique sweetness and flavor.
- The seeds are a delicacy. In some countries, watermelon seeds are dried, roasted and consumed as an appetizer. For example, in China and Nigeria, it is a popular delicacy.
- Seedless watermelons. Seedless watermelons are the result of hybridization rather than genetic modification. They were bred in the 1930s in Japan.
- Square watermelons. Square watermelons are grown in Japan. They are put into special molds to make them compact and easy to store.
- Watermelon Festival. In the United States, in the state of Texas, an annual watermelon festival is held, where they organize competitions in eating watermelons, throwing seeds and other fun contests.
- Rind in cooking. Watermelon rind is edible! It is used for making pickles, jams or added to salads.
- Ancient Egyptian frescoes. Images of watermelons were found in ancient Egyptian tombs. They were probably put there as a symbol of abundance and nourishment for the afterlife.
Watermelon is not only a delicious treat, but also a powerful ally in maintaining health. Its regular consumption helps to take care of the cardiovascular system, skin, kidneys and the general condition of the body. Pleasant taste and bright color make watermelon an indispensable attribute of the summer table!
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