Tangerine is one of the most favorite citrus fruits that is associated with holidays, winter and coziness. However, the tangerine is not only a symbol of joy, but also a powerful source of health benefits. Its aroma, flavor and rich composition make it an indispensable product for keeping the body toned. Here are the main benefits of tangerine for the human body.
Source of vitamin C
Like other citrus fruits, tangerine is rich in vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system, fight colds and support the body during seasonal illnesses. One medium-sized tangerine covers up to 35% of the daily requirement of this essential vitamin.
Vitamin C plays an important role in neutralizing free radicals that damage cells and accelerate aging. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, regular consumption of tangerines helps to preserve the youthfulness of the skin, prevents inflammatory processes and improves the general condition of the body.
Tangerine benefits for the heart and blood vessels
Tangerines are a treasure trove of potassium, which is important for cardiovascular health:
- Potassium regulates water-salt balance, helps maintain normal blood pressure and reduces the risk of hypertension.
- Tangerines contain flavonoids such as naringenin and hesperidin. These substances strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and reduce the likelihood of blood clots.
- Regular consumption of tangerines helps reduce the risk of heart disease, including stroke and heart attack.
Digestive aid
Tangerines are rich in fiber, which normalizes the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary fiber stimulates intestinal peristalsis, helps to gently cleanse the body of toxins and prevents constipation. Thanks to the organic acids contained in tangerines, they stimulate the production of gastric juice, which improves digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Low-calorie snack
Tangerines are an ideal product for those who are watching their weight. On average, one tangerine contains only about 40-50 calories. Its sweet taste quenches cravings for sweets, and fiber promotes quick satiety. The fruit also contains citrus polyphenols, which help speed up metabolism and fat burning. This makes tangerines a great assistant in the fight against excess weight.
Benefits of tangerine for skin and hair
Vitamin C and antioxidants, which tangerines are rich in, stimulate the production of collagen, a protein responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Tangerines help the skin stay moisturized, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve its texture.
The essential oils contained in the tangerine peel have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. They are used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. For example, masks with tangerine juice help to reduce pigmentation and refresh the complexion.
Immunity support
Tangerines contain not only vitamin C, but also other beneficial substances such as B vitamins, beta-carotene and folic acid. These elements are involved in keeping the immune system working, helping the body recover faster from illnesses and boosting defenses against viruses and bacteria.
Tangerines include phytoncides — natural substances that have antimicrobial and antiviral properties. They help the body fight pathogens and prevent the development of infections.
Benefits and facts from around the world about mandarin:
- Mandarins are considered to be native to Southeast Asia. They have been cultivated in China for over 3,000 years ago and were considered the fruit of emperors.
- Naming. The name “mandarin” refers to the high-ranking officials in ancient China, the mandarins. It is believed that their clothing was the same bright orange color as the fruit.
- Varieties. There are more than 200 varieties of tangerines, including clementines, tangelines and satsumas.
- Chinese symbol of good luck. In China, tangerines symbolize good luck and wealth. During Chinese New Year celebrations, it is customary to give mandarins and decorate homes with them.
- Difference from orange. Mandarins are sweeter and softer than oranges, and their peel is easier to remove.
- Aromatherapy. Tangerine essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy to relieve stress and improve mood.
- Seasonal fruit. Tangerines are associated with winter and Christmas. They are often used in holiday decorations and given as a symbol of abundance.
- Major Producers. China is the world’s leading producer of mandarins, followed by Spain, Turkey and Morocco.
- Origin Legend. According to Chinese legend, the mandarin came into existence thanks to the gods to please people with sweetness and sunshine during winter.
- Tangerines are seedless. Many modern varieties, for example, clementines, are bred specifically for convenience, and they have almost no seeds.
- Useful for the skin. Regular consumption of tangerines helps to improve the condition of the skin thanks to vitamin C, which stimulates the production of collagen.
- Not only the pulp. The rind of the tangerine is also useful. It is dried and used in cooking, for making drinks or as a flavoring.
- Tangerine wood. The tangerine tree has a strong and beautiful wood that is used to make furniture and decorative items.
- Secret ingredient. In cooking, tangerines are used not only for desserts, but also for salads, sauces and even meat dishes, adding a sweet and refreshing flavor.
Mood and energy
The aroma of tangerine is a real aromatherapy. Essential oils contained in the peel stimulate the nervous system, relieve stress and fatigue. Tangerine aromas are often used in aromatherapy to improve mood, fight apathy and depression. The sweet taste of tangerine can instantly energize, improve concentration and tone the body. It is the perfect snack during the day to quickly restore your energy.
The flavonoids and antioxidants found in tangerines have anti-inflammatory properties. This makes them beneficial for people with chronic conditions such as arthritis or asthma.
Strengthening bones and teeth
Tangerines contain calcium and magnesium, two important minerals for healthy bones and teeth. These substances help strengthen tooth enamel, prevent osteoporosis and support musculoskeletal health.
What is the right way to eat tangerines?
Mandarins are best eaten fresh to preserve all the vitamins and microelements. They can be added to salads, used in desserts or squeezed juice. However, it is important to remember the measure: excessive consumption of citrus fruits can cause allergies or irritation of the gastric mucosa. Along with the benefits, tangerine can cause harm if a child eats a lot of it. It causes itching and skin irritation, which is often seen on the stomach.
Tangerines are a veritable treasure trove of nutrients. They boost your immune system, support your heart and stomach, improve your skin and energize your body. Include tangerines in your diet to enjoy their flavor and get maximum health benefits.
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